Lady Marmalade Victoria will be closing on Sunday, March 29, 2015. After ten years of operating one of the busiest brunch spots in Victoria, Carla is ready for a new adventure. Thank you for your patronage and support. We have loved feeding you!
Toronto Life Cookbook
Lady Marmalade is one of the featured restaurants in the Toronto Life’s first ever Cookbook. One hundred recipes from Toronto’s best chef’s are included in this issue. After much coaxing, we gave up our recipe for the Huevos Migas, including the recipe for our tasty smashed black beans. The issue is on the stands now, so if you want to host a little Lady Marmalade brunch at your house one weekend, pick up this special issue and scramble away! Order yours here!
Chip Switch
In Toronto, we are proud to introduce our new supplier AlbaLisa Gourmet Foods - all natural Mexican gourmet food. You will notice, their tasty tortilla crisps gracing bowls of Huevos Migas. AlbaLisa corn tortilla crisps are made with certified organic, certified gluten free and wholegrain premium corn flour. They are fried in small batches with sunflower oil and seasoned with sea salt. They are absolutely delicious!